Ta Bask, Magnet, Takvim, Duvar Stickerlar

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Kültürel Ýletiþimin Renkli Dünyasý

Biz kültürel iletiþim nesneleri olarak hediyelik ve promosyon eþya tasarýmý ve imalatý ile uðraþýyoruz. Lokomotif ürünümüz olan buzdolabý magnetlerini seramik ve doðal taþlarin yaný sýra cam, ahþap ve plastik malzemelerden de üretiyoruz...



Doðal taþ eskitme magnet.


Taþ üzerine baský

Doðal taþ üzerine el yapýmý baský örnekleri...



El yapýmý takvimler; taþ duvar takvimi ve magnetli masa takvimi...


The tableaus are our interior decoration products which are composed with application our rich visual contents on ceramic and stone surface that is from 10x10 cm. to 30x40 cm.size and supported with fashionable wood frame, predominantly designed for hanging on the wall or putting on table-coffee table. The frames achievable in bigger size and different content application on request.

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Ta Bask, Magnet, Takvim, Duvar Stickerlar